The Okanagan Valley is host to the world’s most advanced Cherry Fruit Research facilities. Our firm has teamed up with the Summerland Research Station since the 1940’s to continuously improve our fruit quality.
The Research Station produces new varieties the old fashioned way: cross breeding. We are proud to state that we have absolutely no genetically modified (GMO) produce in our farmlands.

Cristalina is an extremely attractive large dark red heart shaped fruit. Sweet firm dark red flesh.
Ripening Period: Typically ripens early season.
Burgundy Pearl
Burgundy Pearl is a large dark red cherry with above average firmness and superior flavor. This firm and crunchy cherry is one of our earliest ripening cherries.
Ripening Period: Typically matures early-season.

Van is a classic cherry that we grow in limited volumes. Van is one of the parents or grandparents of most varieties produced at Jealous Fruits. The cherry is very broad shouldered with fat green stems and a crunchy texture.
Ripening Period: Early season, approximately July 9th - 15th
Suite Note
Suite Note originates from the Pacific Agri-Food Research Centre in Summerland. Suite Note is a very large and firm cherry, with kidney to heart shaped figure and long stems. This variety is dark red in colour.
Ripening Period: Typically matures around mid-July.

Our earliest maturing variety. Satin is a large, heart shaped cherry with a thick green stem. The fruit is very firm with a mild sweet flavour. Satin cherries have a niche following amongst cherry connoisseurs.
Ripening Period: Typically matures between July 14th to 20th.
Kordia's origin is a chance seedling of unknown parentage found in the Czech Republic. Kordia is also know as Attika. Kordia is a long-heart shaped cherry with a long and thin stem. It is dark red to black in colour with very high sugar content.
Ripening Period: Typically matures between July 15 to 25th.

A highly suitable fruit for our northerly climate, Lapins are a sweet, firm, juicy cherry. They are very large and broad shouldered. The cherry is named after Dr. Karl Lapins who pioneered the breeding work resulting in all the selections produced at Jealous Fruits.
Ripening Period: Typically matures between July 23rd to August 5th.
Skeena originates from the Pacific Agri-Food Research Centre in Summerland. Skeena cherries are distinguished by their large, kidney shape and tent to be very firm with thick stems.
Ripening Period: Typically matures between mid to late July (same as Lapin).

The Rainier cherry was developed by H.W. Fogel at Washington State University. Named after Mount Rainier – the highest peak in Washington. Rainier is a golden-yellow cherry with red blush. It is very sweet and has a round-heart shape (obovate). Parentage: Bing x Van.
Ripening Period: Typically matures between the end of July – early August.
Considered by many customers to be our “flagship” variety. Our unique growing conditions produce a large Sweetheart. Other fine attributes are a thick green stem, a very firm flesh, balanced flavour, and a bright pinstriped dark red over red finish.
Ripening Period: Typically matures between August 3rd to 12th.

Regina originates from Esteburg-Fruit Research Station in Jork, Germany. Regina is a dark, large & firm cherry with low acid and a sweet flavour. It has a very long stem and is heart-shaped. Regina stores exceptionally well.
Ripening Period: Typically matures early August.
A true winning variety. It has inherited the same firm crunchy texture as its parent Sweetheart, along with Sweetheart's fine appearance and taste. Staccato is planted at various elevations of our farm. It is a patented variety that is mostly produced in British Columbia. This variety stores very well.
Ripening Period: Typically matures between August 12th to September 1st.

Sentennial is a relatively new variety at Jealous Fruits. We currently have 549 acres planted and in full commercial production. The cherry is broad shouldered like a Lapin, with an extremely firm, crunchy texture. Sentennial peaks on 9.5 row, and has similar flavour attributes to Staccato and Sweetheart.
Ripening Period: Typically matures around Staccato timing.
Named and released from the Summerland breeding program in 2006, Sovereign is one of our most recent introductions. Jealous Fruits pioneered the first large test plantings of Sovereign and large-scale availability began in 2007. Like Staccato, Sovereign is an offspring of Sweetheart. Sovereign has a very firm texture, with a long, thick stem and more of a heart shape than either Sweetheart or Staccato. This variety ships very well.
Ripening Period: One of our latest ripening varieties (approximately 1 week after Staccato)